Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Dark moon

Tonight is the dark moon, a magic night. Fifteen days ago it was full moon and it will be again in another 15 days. So goes the cycle and predictability of Balinese life and with it the ceremonial obligations.

It has been a very busy time, particularly for the women who must make the appropriate offerings for each ceremony. It has been an auspicious time for the big events such as ngaben (cremation), but daily rituals, temple anniversaries, ceremonies as decreed in the calendar, including as tonight those associated with the moon, must be observed. Most people have been in temple dress today, including school children. If people have received a blessing with holy water they will have a few grains of rice on the forehead and throat to symbolise the cleansing of mind and body. I imagine the chanting and praying that I can hear as I write will go on well into the night, and that's certainly not a complaint.

Although many of the women we know are looking a bit tired after weeks of seemingly endless ceremonial business, they would never dream of buying offerings (which can be done - useful for hotels) as they believe that offerings made from the heart will mean much more to the relevant god or goddess. They are intricate, symbolic in content and very labour intensive, but the tradition and technique are still taught at school.  And in a few weeks the huge celebrations of Galungan and Kuningan will take place. During this major holiday time many businesses need to close to allow staff to return to their villages. None of it is lip service religion. It's been the Balinese way of life for centuries and amazingly survives despite enormous social and economic change.

But there's something to be said for a 365-day year. Our Western ceremonies and holidays seem to come around quickly enough. Imagine every 210 days. At least the Balinese haven't been caught up in consumerism. It's entirely about the worship, and there's something to be said for that too.

Image has come from the Go SE Asia website and used with thanks. I will link to the article which discusses the Balinese relationship with the universe as soon as I can.

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